Sunday, July 1, 2012

Food Glorious Food...

The number of shops and restaurants here in Taipei makes Manhattan look like a deserted island. As if the storefronts were not enough, there are so many underground plazas and shopping centers just riddled with food courts with such culinary depth that we would have to spend days in each plaza just to enjoy all that there is to offer.  Here are just a snippet (which equals about 14% of the total number of restaurants within the food court) of the choices we can encounter in just one food court.

One of my favorite desserts: silken tofu, baby tapioca, peanuts cooked tender, all served with some simple syrup and ice!

A complete meal that costs 110NT (about $4).

Because bacon makes everything better.

A whole stand dedicated to fish cakes!

My consolation is that there is plenty of opportunities to walk in Taipei AND there is a gym in my complex! Now, if only I could fit through the door!

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