Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Baseball Hall of Fame

A town straight out of Norman Rockwell's paintings, Cooperstown is the quintessential Small Town USA!

Strolling down Main Street, fathers and sons (and ocassionally, daughters) oooh and ahhh at the display of bats, autographed balls, and rare baseball cards. They do not say "Hello" or "Hi" when greeting passers-by; instead, the salutations shared are slight nods toward the direction of the persons and the words uttered are "Hey, nice shirt," or "Great team!"

Although no memos were issued to any of the visitors of Cooperstown, everyone knows to show up to town wearing their favorite team's jersey and cap.

Spanning only three blocks, everything in this town seems a bit smaller than what I'd imagined. The Baseball Hall of Fame is a lovely brick building that contains the history of America as seen through the eyes of the game of baseball. Still, I always thought this place would be bigger.
Perhaps it was the grandeur Hollywood films add to the hallowed ground of baseball that is Cooperstown, but I for one was a bit disappointed in the end.

Definitely visit Cooperstown if you, your husband, and/or child love baseball; just make sure that you have other destinations on your itinerary to fill in the rest of your trip!

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