Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Price of Baseball!

Tickets to see the Yankees play at the new Yankee Stadium: $100.
Souvenior for the family: $125.
Getting a ball tossed by Mariano Rivera (#42 in pix): Priceless.

Tickets to see the Red Sox play at the historical Fenway Park (home of Green Monster): $160.
Sausage dogs with onions and peppers, soda & ice cream: $40.
Catching a baseball tossed to me by pitcher Takashi Saito (below): Priceless.
Baseball is part of our family. My boys play baseball, collect baseball cards, plan to play in the Major Leagues (right after they win American Idol), and know the stats of many, MANY professional baseball players.

P.S. - The "curse" of the Tangs: home teams lose when we attend. We could not be happier! Go Angels!

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