Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Days 1-3

Tummies full of Taco Bell, heartburn's a brewin'.
Kids watching Sponge Bob, hubby's a drivin'.
Thought this a good time to catch up on writin'
And to distract my nostrils from burning from his fartin'!

The Phoenician in Scottsdale, day one and day two,
Boys out all day frolicked in temp one-oh-two.
Mom had a migraine that floored her by four,
But was as-good-as-new by the next morn.

Continuing the next day at good ole Albuquerque,
John's off to work and the kids are busy blogging.
Colorado's a-coming up when work is completed here,
Another 6 hours drive ahead so I'll keep my computer near.

1 comment:

  1. Jennie, This is AWESOME! I followed your link here from Facebook - I can't WAIT to continue reading about your journey! We just took a small road trip to visit my husband's mom and I commented to my teenage boys that I had a friend that I knew from elementary school who was road trippin' the summer away... My oldest (16 yrs) LOVED the idea and my youngest (14 yrs)screamed, "I don't think I could STAND you people for that long!!!" Ahhhh, teenagers!
