Friday, June 26, 2009

Sledgehammer, Widow Maker, Last Chance, Oh My!

What I Learned Today from Rafting the Arkansas River:
  1. 8 hours ago, the water was snow up in the local mountains.
  2. Melted snow is cold - the water is around 38-degrees.
  3. Do rent wet suits, don't rent booties...cuz you never know whether the previous feet in those booties
  4. River guides sound like surfer dudes, live nomadic lives, and don't necessarily wash their hair everyday.
  5. A dude named "Fat Bob" isn't necessarily fat.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Micah and Jonah:
    We received your post cards today. The golf court is very nice(the phoenician)!
    Is this blog yours?
    I did read them everyday. Be able to know what you guys are doing is fun. Thank you and mommy,daddy are able to do that.
    Be happy and be safe - and enjoy God's creations. I praise LORD even more when I am traveling - the water, the flowers, the birds,
    the people....even the trees...I thank GOD for all HE has done for us!
    We will be at the church retreat 7/3~7/5.
    We will be back by Sunday afternoon.
    Cell phones will be with us all the time.
    Love you guys a lot!
    love, Grandma and Grandpa
