Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Kindness of Strangers

The Tazmanian Devil - that wolf-looking, whirlwind-spinning, jibberish-speaking character in Bugs Bunny - has got nothing on us. We are blowing in and out of towns at warp speed!

In spite of the swiftness of our journey Eastward, one constant has welcomed us into each town; that is, the kindness of strangers. Whether it's opening a door, pointing the way to where the Locals hang, or upgrading our reservations to a better room, we are embraced daily by the empirical "goodness" of those we've encountered. Kindness so genuine that my six-year-old recognizes just how "nice everyone is."

Perhaps this exposure to goodness is contagious, as I find myself smiling more to strangers and helping old ladies across the street. I do resolve to smile more when I get back to LA, so if you see me with a silly grin, just smile back, and pay it forward!

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