Thursday, June 25, 2009

Touching the Clouds...

We've been on the road since 4PM Mountain time; it's been 5 hours of traveling down a two-lane highway, rocking out at times to Black Eye Pea's Boom Boom Pow, and then to the deafening beats of the traveling summer thunder showers.

At times there were two simultaneous rainbows justifying the words of the Rainbow Song my boys have been singing since Kindergarten. Then, when these colorful arches faded, we would see the vastness of the open land, dotted by the meandering cattle roaming as if homeless and wild.

The ever-shifting clouds kept the boys entertained, but it was the electric lightning show flashing in distance that brought the most excitement. We would see the bright skies ahead interrupted by a veil of ominous clouds and columns of pouring rain, only to drive right into this fantastic storm that pounded our windshields and silences all other noise.

Jutting out of the great plains were mesas freckled with what seemed like millions of thistle brush plants whose name I could not stop to get.

As we rounded a bend in the highway, open fields morphed into mountain ranges with such mystery that even the clouds drifted close to the land to get a better look.

We felt compelled to stop the car at the beckoning of the "Welcome to Colorado" sign, and a native mosquito personally greeted me and left a souvenir on my right thigh.

Grey clouds prematurely darkened the early evening skies, and the darkness is now our lone companion...well, except for the glow of my trusty laptop.

Nothing much to see as we enter into the town of Buena Vista, but I hope that tomorrow's rafting trip will provide an amusing tale or two.

4 Tangs in a van...good night.

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